Paper or Cheese Doll?

my paper doll

hans christian anderson

                                                                American "Cheese"
                                                                 my husband loves this crap!

Well, its Saturday here in the U. S.which has bought me a little time to make a paper doll per Elisabeth's challenge.  Here it is...(and i'm sheepishly hiding behind the time difference instead of admitting that i am late!)
Morgan has decided to make a paper robot out of american  cheese.  Frankly, the best use of that hideous saturated glob of an excuse for cheese! 
I learned something upon doing this little exericse.  I think too much. I stall,  I question, I critique.  My hands shake and my eyes are hating their new glasses.  I am happiest when the ink just falls from the brush, wonky and incorrect.  I didn't get to that smudgy  imperfect place where I felt satisfied and finished. But it was already Saturday in Sweden, Australia, Germany...people are waiting!
So here it is, the stiff little lady whose clothes will not fit properly because of my inattention to accuracy.
she's cute though, and her little lamb too.
Thanks Elisabeth for the nudge. Let's play some more!

xo milady